1.4.4: 1460 - 1585 - Reading habits / traces of users

Printed objects as well as testimonies left by readers are the main source for the history of reading. Certain bibliographical categories, however, have been transmitted very poorly. Consequently, the reading public of important sections of early modern book production and also their reading habits are largely hidden from our view. For example, printed ephemera such as schoolbooks, calendars, almanacs, etc. which were produced in large quantities, are now very scarce. In addition to printed books, many manuscripts were still being produced and read during the sixteenth century. Legal texts, regional law books and costumals, often circulated in handwritten form. Furthermore, apart from books produced in the Low Countries, books imported from foreign countries were also read.

Much less is known about readers than about the texts available to them. Many people marked their ownership of books with an inscription of their name or their family coat of arms as a bookplate or as a stamp on the binding. Reconstruction of the history of collections and determination of the provenance of individual volumes is possible with information gathered from notes of acquisition and sale, ownership, auctions and gifts, bindings, and old library shelf-marks. Quite a few owners improved the arrangement of their collections by having several texts bound into one volume.

Margins and blank pages in numerous books are filled with readers' notes, underlinings, and reference marks. Page numbers, tables of contents, and indices were added to enhance the accessibility of the texts.

In medieval manuscripts, layout was an important mnemotechnical aid. Printers and editors further developed this instrument to guide readers. To this end, they added punctuation and paragraph marks, chapter titles and rubrics, tables and illustrations, tables of contents and indexes, headings and foliation. Of course, readers still took the liberty to add their own notes and markers. Occasionally, such markings may lead to the identification of their author, for example because the handwriting can be attributed to a well-known person or because the content of the remark unambiguously refers to a particular individual.

Comparison of different editions may show whether a particular form of reading was recommended for a specific text: whether it was meant to be read aloud or in silence, for study or amusement, or as an aid to spiritual meditation. For a long time, reading aloud remained customary, as is apparent from instructions for readers of prayer books.

author: G.C. Huisman

Reading habits / traces of users

extensive reading

Definition: reading a large number of varied printed works.

functional reading

Definition: reading to collect knowledge, for the benefit of education, study or profession.

intensive reading

Definition: repeatedly reading a small quantity of printed work.

reading matter

Definition: that which is destined to be read; printed or written work (sometimes used belittlingly compared to 'literature').

supply of reading matter

Definition: total of publications offered for sale (usually counted per country, place or supplier).

reading culture

Definition: general term for all aspects involved in the degree and way in which a group of people read in a certain period, such as literacy, reading habits, literature consumption, types of readers and reading instruction.

reading habits

Definition: habits of the population or certain groups of it with regard to reading; as a subject of research it is sometimes extended to habits with respect to the buying and borrowing of books.

reading societies

Definition: 1. in the 18th century a current name for all the private organisations for whom reading was the main aim. 2. nowadays: the - usually small- organisations which have a social function besides reading.

reading circles

Definition: library of a reading circle or association that for joint account buys books, periodicals, etc., and has them circulated among its members.

reading instruction

Definition: the systematic and organised transfer of the knowledge of the alphabet, spelling and grammar to teach the skill of reading.

reading research

Definition: collective name for all forms of research into aspects of reading such as reading habits, buying and borrowing habits, reading instruction, reading skills, eliminating illiteracy, and comprehension of a text.

reading revolution

Definition: indicates a hypothesis on reading culture at the end of the 18th century, in which it is alleged that this period was characterised by a transition from intensive to extensive reading, an increase in the use of books and an extension of the readingpublic.

reading skill

Definition: proficiency in reading

reading room movement

Definition: pursuit by a group of idealists from the beginning of the twentieth century to make all sorts of books available by founding public libraries without aiming at one specific target group.

reading rooms

Definition: room in a library with seats intended for reading and study purposes; sometimes also provided with watching and listening facilities.

solitary reading

Definition: reading individually and in silence.

leisure reading

Definition: reading with the exclusive aim of spending leisure time pleasantly.

reading public

Definition: collective term for the consumers of (a certain type of) printed work.